If life’s worth living… It’s worth hearing!

Dr. Jonell Block Welcomes You!

As a Doctor of Audiology (AuD) she serves the residents of The Greater Spokane Area. Providing unparalleled and uncompromising value and benefit, she’s become the area’s most trusted in-home audiology and hearing aid services provider. She uses her expertise offering a personable experience and an individualized treatment plan to address your specific hearing needs.

Best of all, you can get Dr. Jonell’s care from the comfort of your home - your hearing place!

Dr. Jonell understands how hearing loss impacts your life day-in and day-out. She takes a holistic approach to your care and is more than happy to partner with your loved ones and other healthcare providers.

Her mission is to see you take back your life and reclaim the joy sound brings through better hearing!

Restoring the Joy of Hearing Since 2004

Hearing Wisdom… Listen Up!


Let’s Talk

Hearing is one of your five senses.

So if you’re experiencing hearing loss, you’re actually experiencing a loss in how you experience and perceive life as a whole.

Are you feeling more isolated? More frustrated in social settings? Feeling lost in the conversation around you?

Don’t let hearing loss control your quality of life. With a simple hearing test we can assess just what’s happening and get you the aid you need to get back to enjoying life.



With expertise, dedication, and compassion Dr. Jonell aids you through every step of the process. She provides everything you need to succeed with hearing aids.

  • Complete Audiological Evaluations (Hearing Tests)

  • New Hearing Aids

  • Repairs and Reprogramming of Your Current Devices

  • Assistive Listening Devices

  • Ear Cleaning and General Ear Care

  • Counseling and Training for Hearing Loss & Hearing Aids


Your Experience

At Audiology NW you will experience a level of personalized care that’ll make all the difference in your journey to better hearing!

Dr. Jonell gives her utmost attention to every step of the process. She takes the time needed to make sure you’re receiving the best care and selecting the ideal hearing device to aid you.

She understands the anxiety hearing loss can cause. So please rest assured, your experience will NEVER include high pressure sales or gimmicks. Dr. Jonell practices full transparency… and patience!


Hearing Aids & Maintenance

While we will always find the perfect hearing device for you factoring in your needs, wants, and budget, the following are a few favorite companies.






In-Home Visits

If you or a loved one need help dealing with your quality of hearing, Dr. Jonell can eliminate the hassle by coming to you.

So stop letting the frustrations of your hearing loss keep you from getting out and living your life now. You can start your journey to better quality of life from the security and comfort of your own home!



Your wellbeing is Dr. Jonell’s priority. This includes your privacy! A “pollyanna“ at heart she still gives value to a handshake and takes someone at their word. That’s why she gives you her utmost assurance your information will always be kept confidential.